Sessions > Session G

Session G.

Territorial Sciences in the Global South(s): Knowledge, Ignorance, Dialogue

Co-chairs: Silvina Cecilia CARRIZO (Conicet, Argentina), Christian GIRAULT (CREDA / CNRS), Camilo PEREIRA CARNEIRO (UFG – Labeter / UFRGS, Brazil), Laëtitia PERRIER-BRUSLÉ (Loterr / Université de Lorraine), Aldomar RÜCKERT (Labeter / UFRGS, Brazil), Roberto UEBEL (ESPM – Labeter / UFRGS, Brazil) & Sébastien VELUT (IHEAL)

Geography as a discipline has frequently been used to construct national identities, and has been influenced by geopolitical visions (Messias da Costa & Théry, 2012; Perrrier Bruslé, 2013; Benwell & Dodds, 2011; Bennafla, 2022; Velut, 2022). Moreover, territory has become a strategic concept for social movements, which are innovating to create and disseminate alternative forms of knowledge. These two dimensions are particularly present in the Global South, where issues of identity, state-building and local resistance are all in play. Geographic information and its attendant technologies, which have become more readily available (Joliveau et al., 2013), are being mobilised by civil society and local populations alike (Hirt & Lerch, 2013) to create site-specific knowledge that challenges dominant narratives. They are both opening up new arenas for debate as well as offering opportunities for manipulation and new ways of cultivating ignorance (Godrie & Dos Santos, 2017). What can be done to facilitate the exchange of territorial knowledge with a view to strengthening democracy? What can be done to facilitate the exchange of specific forms of territorial knowledge with a view to strengthening democracy?

This session will address these questions under the following headings:

  • The question of geographical and cartographic literacy (Frau-Meigs, 2019).
  • The various means used to disseminate knowledge about territories and their effects on public debates,
  • The production of ignorance and spaces of dialogue.
  • Varying scales of geographical knowledge.
  • The relationship between the various forms of knowledge emerging from specific territories and the relationships between territories.

Selected Bibliographical References

Bennafla K., 2022, “Illusion cartographique au Nord, barrière de sable à l’Est : les frontières mouvantes du Sahara occidental”, L’Espace politique, no. 20.
Delamotte E., Liquète V., Frau-Meigs D., 2014, “La translittératie, à la convergence des cultures de l’information : supports, contextes et modalités”, Spirale. Revue de recherches en éducation, 53(1), p. 145‑156.
Desbois H., 2015, Les mesures du territoire. Aspects techniques, politiques et culturels des mutations de la carte topographique : essai, Villeurbanne, Presses de l’ENSSIB.
Frau-Meigs D., 2019, “Créativité, éducation aux médias et à l’information, translittératie : vers des humanités numériques”, Quaderni, no. 98, p. 87‑105.
Gautreau P., 2022, La Pachamama en bases de données. Géographie politique de l’information environnementale contemporaine, Paris, éd. de l’IHEAL.
Godrie B., Dos Santos M., 2017, “Présentation : inégalités sociales, production des savoirs et de l’ignorance”, Sociologies et sociétés, 49(1), p. 7-31.
Hirt I., Lerch L., 2013, “Cartographier les territorialités indigènes dans les Andes boliviennes : enjeux politiques, défis méthodologiques”, Cybergeo, document 638.
Iconoclasistas, 2015, Manual de mapeo colectivo. Recursos cartográficos críticos para procesos territoriales de creación colaborativa, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Tinta Limón [2nd ed.].
Joliveau T, Noucher M., Roche S., 2013, “La cartographie 2.0, vers une approche critique d’un nouveau régime cartographique”, L’Information géographique, 77(4), p. 29-46.
Messias da Costa W., Garcia T. (eds.), 2022, América do Sul : geopolítica, arranjos regionais e relações internacionais, São Paulo, FFLCH/USP.
Messias da Costa W., Théry H., 2012, “Quatre-vingts ans de géopolitique au Brésil : de la géographie militaire à une pensée stratégique nationale”, Hérodote, no. 146-147, p. 253-276.
Perrier Bruslé L., 2013, “La Bolivie, sa mer perdue et la construction nationale”, Annales de géographie, no. 689, p. 47-72.
Rückert A., Pinheiro da Silva A.C., de Vilhena Silva G. (eds.), 2018, A integração sul-americana e a inserção das regiões periféricas. Il congresso de geografia política, geopolítica e gestão do território, Porto Alegre, Editora Letra1 [].
Svampa M., 2013, “ ‘Consenso de los commodities’ y lenguages de valoracion en América Latina”, Nueva Sociedad, no. 244, p. 30-46.
Ulloa A., 2016, “Feminismos territoriales en América Latina : defensas de la vida frente a los extractivismos”, Nomadas, no. 45, p. 123-139.

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